A selection of the most successful works of prof. Nosáľ

A selection of the most successful works of prof. Nosáľ, representing the most characteristic folklore areas of Slovakia. The program captures diverse artistic expressions in music and costume, from delicate women's dances both playful and humorous, to lively duets and virtuoso dance from the men.

New book Fenomén Lúčnica

Potešte seba, alebo iných originálnym suvenírom


09. August

Reprezentačný program

Piešťany | 18:00 Friday

Dom umenia

100 min. s prestávkou

Price from 30 EUR

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10. August

Reprezentačný program

Bachledova Dolina | 14:00 Saturday

Goralské folklórne slávnosti

70 min.


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11. August

Reprezentačný program

Lúčnica nad Žitavou | 16:00 Sunday

Lúčnica v Lúčnici _ Amfiteáter

70 min.


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